One Minute To Know, 2019-Ncov PNEUMONIA
Virus Profile
新 型 冠 状 病 毒( 简称新 冠病 毒), 世界卫生 组 织
(WHO)命名为 2019-nCoV,其中 n 代表 novel(新 的),CoV 是冠状病毒 coronavirus 的缩写。它与造 成严重急性呼吸综合征(S A RS,俗称“非典”)的病 原体一样,都属于冠状病毒,但两者并不相同。
2019-ncov, World Health Organization
Named 2019-nCoV, where n stands for novel and Cov stands for coronavirus us. It belongs to the same coronavirus as the pathogen that caused the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome disease, SARS, but they are not the same.
Source of infection
目前所见的传染源主要是新型冠状病毒感染的患 者。无症状感染者也可能成为传染源。
The primary source of infection seen so far is in patients with 2019-ncov. Asymptomatic infections can also be a source of infection.
Route of Transmission
可以人传人。经呼吸 道飞沫和接触传播是主要的 传播途径。气溶胶和消化道等传播途径尚待明确。
It can pass from one person to another. By inhalation, droplet and contact transmission are the main routes of transmission. The transmission routes of Aerosol and alimentary canal are still unclear.
人群普遍易感。老年人及有慢性基础疾病者感染 后病情较重,儿童及婴幼儿也有发病。
People are generally susceptible. The older people and have a chronic foundation disease person infection after the illness is more serious; the child and the infant also have the morbidity.
Incubation period
潜伏期 1 ~ 14 天,多为 3 ~ 7 天。
The incubation period ranged from 1 to 14 days, most of which ranged from 3 to 7 days.
以发热 、乏力 、干咳为主要表现 。少数患者伴 有鼻塞、流涕、腹泻等症状。部分患者仅表现为低 热、 轻微乏力等。重症患者多在感染 1 周后出现呼 吸困难
To fever, fatigue, dry cough as the first performance. A small number of patients with nasal congestion, runny nose, diarrhea, and other symptoms. Some patients only showed low fever, mild fatigue, and so on—more severe patients in 1 week after infection appeared, DYSPNEA.
有效药物正在研发中,目前还没有确认有效的抗 病毒方法。
Effective drugs are being developed, and there are no proven anti-viral methods.
多数患者预 后良 好,少数患者病情危重。老年人 和有基础疾病的患者预后较差。儿童患者症状相对较 轻
Most patients had a good prognosis, and a few were in critical condition. The forecast was weak in the elderly and patients with underlying diseases. In children, the symptoms are relatively mild.
Personal Protection Keywords
居家 隔离
Home, isolation
The purpose of Home QuarantineAnd what’s the significance?
居家隔离的目的在于通过物理上的隔绝,阻止患 者在社会上滞留与传播,避免形成二代和三代病例。
Home isolation aims to prevent the disease from staying and spreading in the society by physical separation, to avoid the second and third generation cases
当存在大量无症状的密切接触者或潜在病人的时 候,居家隔离应该作为一个重要的选择,可以解决治 疗机构不能解决的问题。若出现任 何症状,则须去医 院就诊。居家自行隔离期间,可以借刷朋友圈、煲剧、 读书、品茶等休闲活动,让新型冠状病毒自行失去传 播能力而灰飞烟灭。
When there are large numbers of asymptomatic close contacts or potential patients, home isolation should be an essential option to address issues that can not be resolved by treatment facilities. If you have any symptoms, you should consult a doctor or hospital. During the period of self-isolation at home, you can take advantage of leisure activities such as watching friends circle, watching TV, reading, drinking tea, etc. , so that the 2019-ncov will lose its transmission and spread its power to the Ashes to Ashes.
How to quarantine at home?
Isolated Environment
● 隔离者应居住在通风良好的单人房间 ;确保共 用区域(厨房、浴室等)通风良好(开窗)。
:: Quarantines should be housed in well-ventilated single rooms; make sure the common area (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) is well-ventilated (open windows).
● 家庭 成员 应住在不同房间,若条件 不允许,应 与患者保持 1 米以上距离。
:: Family members should live in different places; if conditions do not allow, they should keep a distance of more than 1 meter with the patient.
● 缩小隔离者活动范围,尽量减少隔离者与家庭 成员共用一个区域,尤其避免一起用餐。
:: Reduce the range of activities of the quarantines, minimize the number of quarantines with their families and share a common area with their members, and avoid eating together in particular.
● 不共用牙刷、毛巾、餐具、厕所、被服等。
Do not share a toothbrush, towel, tableware, toilet, bedding, etc.
● 拒绝一切探访。
:: Denial of all visits.
● 固定一名身体健康且无慢性病者进行护理。
:: Fixation of a healthy person with no chronic disease for care.
● 看护人员与隔离者共处一室时,应佩戴口罩。
● wear a mask when the caregiver is in a room with the isolator.
● 与隔离者有任 何直接接触或进入隔离区后,应 做 好手卫生(备餐前、餐前、便 后、可见污 物时)。如 果 双手无明显污 物,可用含酒精的免洗液清 洁 ;如果 双手有明显污物,则用肥皂和清水清洗。
:: Hand Hygiene should be done before meals, after defecation, when the dirt is visible, and after entering the quarantine area. If there are no visible dirt hands, it can be used to clean alcohol-free liquid; if sides have visible dirt, then with soap and water.
● 每天用含氯消毒剂清洁卧室家具、卫生间台面。
Clean bedroom furniture and bathroom countertops daily with chlorine-containing disinfectants.
● 用 60 ~ 90℃热水及普通家用洗衣液清洗病人 衣物及床上用品,避免污染被服与清洁被服接触。
Washing patients, clothes, and bedding with 60 ~ 90 °C hot water and ordinary household laundry liquid to avoid contamination of linen and bedding.
● 以上操作应佩 戴一次性手套进行,操作前后进 行手部清洗。
The above operations should be worn, wear disposable gloves, before and after the surgery, hand cleaning.
Secretions and excretions
● 呼吸道分泌物 :所有人咳嗽、打喷嚏时,需戴 医 用 口 罩, 或 用 纸 巾及衣 袖掩 住, 咳嗽和 打喷 嚏 后 立即清 洁 双手。将 捂 住口鼻的纸巾或 毛巾直 接 丢 弃, 或使用后正确清洗(如用普通肥 皂 / 洗涤剂及清水清 洗)。
● Respiratory Secretions: Everyone should wear a medical mask when coughing or sneezing, or cover them with tissue and clothing, cover them with sleeves, and clean hands immediately after sneezing. Throw away tissues or towels that cover your nose and mouth, or wash them properly after use (e.g., with regular soap/detergent and water).
● 排泄物 :接触隔离者口腔、呼吸道分泌物、尿 液、粪便时,需佩戴一次性手套。对于隔离者的排泄物, 应密封后丢 弃至“有害垃圾”桶。冲厕所马桶时应 盖 上马桶盖。
● EXCRETA: wear disposable gloves when contacting the isolated person’s mouth, respiratory secretions, urine, and feces. For the lonely person’s excrement, it should be sealed and discarded to the “Hazardous Waste” Bin. The toilet seat should be closed when flushing.
● 污染物 :应将手套、纸巾、口罩等污染物集中 放置于患者房间,标记后单独丢弃。
Pollutants: gloves, tissues, masks, and other contaminants should be concentrated, placed in the patient’s room after the mark alone discarded.
● 餐具 :对于隔离者使用的餐具,使用后应用洗 涤剂和清水清洗,不需丢弃。
Tableware: The tableware used by the isolator should be washed, washed with detergent and water after use, and need not be discarded.
De-quarantine protocol
● 如果未出现相关症状,隔离至末次接触患者或 离开流行地区的第 14 天。
:: In the absence of symptoms, quarantine until the last contact with the patient or the 14th day after leaving the endemic area.
● 如果出现相关症状,及时至 发热门诊就诊
:: If symptoms develop, get to the fever clinic in time
Face Mask
When do I need to wear a mask?
戴口罩 疫情期间,与人碰面、到公共场所、进入 人员密集或密闭场所、乘 坐公共交通工具等时,均建 议戴口罩。
Wear a mask, during the epidemic, and people meet, to public places, access, crowded or sealed places, by public transport, etc. Are advised to wear a mask.
不戴口罩 独处或在空旷场所,可以不戴口罩。
Do not wear a mask, alone or in an open space; you may not wear a mask.
What kind of mask should I wear?
● 对于 一 般公众(医 务工作者或 疫情相关 工作人 员除外),建议戴一次性医用口罩。
:: Disposable surgical masks are recommended for the general public (except medical workers or workers in connection with the outbreak).
● 人 员密 集 场所 的工作人 员(医院、机 场、火车 站、地铁、地面公交、飞机、火车、超市、餐厅等)和 警察、保 安、快 递等从 业 人员,以 及 居家隔离及与其 共同生活人员,建议佩 戴医用外科口罩,或者佩 戴符 合 N95/KN95 及以上标准的颗粒物防护口罩。不推荐使用纸口罩、活性 炭口罩、棉纱口罩和海 绵口罩。
:: Personnel working in crowded places (hospitals, airports, railway stations, subways, ground buses, planes, trains, supermarkets, restaurants, etc.) and personnel working in the fields of police, security and courier services, as well as those working in isolation and at home, for people living together, it is recommended to wear a surgical mask, or to wear a symbol
N95 / KN95 and above standard particulate matter respirator.
Do not recommend the use of paper masks, activated carbon masks, cotton gauze masks and sea, sponge masks.
How to use a mask properly?
一次性医 用口罩 / 医 用外科口罩的正确使 用方法 如下 :
Proper use of disposable medical/surgical masks, as follows:
1 鼻夹朝上,外层深色面朝外(或褶皱朝下)。
Nose Clip Up, dark outer side out (or fold down).
2 上下拉开褶皱,将口罩覆盖口、鼻、下颌。
Fold the mask up and down to cover the mouth, nose, and jaw.
3 将双手 指尖 沿 着鼻梁 金 属条,由中间至 两边, 慢慢向内按压,直至紧贴鼻梁。
Press your hands and fingertips along the metal bars of the bridge of your nose, from the middle to the sides, slowly inward until they are close to the bridge of your nose.
4 适当调整口罩,使口罩周围充分贴合面部。标 准 的 外科口 罩 分 3 层 :外 层 有 阻 水 层, 可 防止飞沫进 入口罩 ;中层有过滤 层 ;近口鼻的内层用于 吸湿。
Adjust the mask properly so that the cover is fully attached to the face. The Standard Surgical Mask has three layers: an outer layer with a water-blocking layer, which can be prevented
A filter layer in the middle layer, the inner layer of the snout is used to absorb moisture.
可以 普通人群可以,因为戴呼吸阀的口罩可以保 护佩戴者。
Yes, for the general population, because a suction valve mask protects the wearer.
不可以 疑似病人或确诊病人不应佩 戴有呼吸阀 的口罩,因为呼吸阀不能阻挡佩 戴者的飞沫向环境中 传播
No, suspected or confirmed patients should not wear, with a breathing valve, the mouth mask, because the breathing valve can not block wearing, the wearer’s droplets to the environment, transmission.
How long will the mask last?
Does it have to be a one-off?
对于一般公众,在没有接触过患者或可疑感染者 的情况下,可以根据清洁程 度适度延长使用时间,酌 情重复使用,但应注意专人专用,佩戴前按规程洗手, 佩戴时避免接触口罩内侧。
For the general public, in the absence of contact with patients or suspected cases of infection, can be based on the cleaning level, moderately extend the use of time, re-use as appropriate, but should pay attention to the exclusive use, wear before washing hands by the rules, avoid touching the inside of the mask when wearing.
一旦口罩被飞沫 或 其他污染 物污染,或者口罩变 形、损坏、有异味时,应立即更换口罩。
Replace the mask immediately if it is contaminated by flying foam or other contaminants, or if it is deformed, damaged, or has a bad smell.
How do you save reusable masks?
如需重复使用口罩,可将其悬挂在洁净、干燥的 通风处,或者将其放置在清洁、透气的纸袋中。
For repeated use, the mask can be hung in a clean, dry, ventilated place, or placed in a clean, breathable paper bag.
口罩需单独存放,避免彼此接触,并标识口罩使 用人员 ; 医 用标准防 护口罩不能 清 洗,也 不可使 用消 毒剂、加热 等方法进行消毒 ;其他非医用口罩按说明 书处理
Masks should be stored separately, avoid touching each other, and Mark Masks for use; Medical Standard Protection covers can not be cleaned, nor used, disinfection, disinfectant, heating, and other methods of disinfection; different non-medical Masks according to the instructions, the book processing.
How to dispose of used masks?
普通人群佩戴过的口罩,没有新型冠状病毒传播 的风险,使用后装入塑料袋密封,按照生活垃圾分类 的要求处理。
Face masks worn by the general public, without the risk of 2019-ncov, are sealed in plastic bags and handled according to the classification of household waste.
疑似病人及其护理人员用过的口罩,按照医疗废 物收集、处理,处理完口罩后要清洗双手。
Suspected patients and their nursing staff used masks, according to medical waste, the collection, processing, after processing covers to wash hands.
How do pregnant women and children choose masks?
● 孕妇佩 戴防护口罩,应注 意 结合自身 条件,选 择舒适性比较好的产品。
Pregnant women wear, wear protective masks, should pay attention to the combination of their conditions, the choice of better comfort products.
● 儿童处在生长发育阶段,其脸型小,应选择儿 童防护口罩。
:: Children are at the stage of growth and development, with small faces, and child protective masks should be used.
How do older people and other disease patients wear mask indisposition to do?
老年人及有心肺疾病等 慢性病的患者,佩 戴口罩 后可能有不适 感,甚至会加重 原有病情,应寻求医生 的专业指导。
The elderly and patients with chronic diseases, such as heart and lung disease, wearing a mask, may have discomfort, or even worse, the original condition, should seek professional guidance from a doctor.
Do you need to wear gloves in your daily life?
不需要 一般公众,日常生活中勤洗手就可以了。
No, the general public should wash their hands frequently in their daily lives.
需要 医 护人 员、密 切接 触者、乘 务员等 在 人流 密集场所工作者,应戴手套,以减少接触传播的风险。但是戴手套不能代替手卫生,还是要勤洗手。
Need medical personnel, close contact, contacts, flight attendants, and so on in the flow of people, crowded places work, should wear gloves to reduce the risk of contact transmission. But wearing gloves is no substitute for hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently.
Do I need to wear goggles in my daily life?
不需要 一般生活及工作中,做好手卫生就足够了, 如勤洗手,特别是不用脏手揉眼睛,不需要佩戴护目镜。
Do not need, general life and work, proper hand hygiene is enough, such as frequent hand washing, especially do not use dirty hands rub eyes, do not need to wear goggles.
What are the disinfection methods?
根 据《新型冠 状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案(试行 第五 版)》,病 毒对 紫外线 和 热 敏 感,56 ℃ 30 分 钟、 乙 醚、75% 乙 醇(酒 精)、含 氯 消毒 剂、过 氧 乙 酸 和 氯仿等脂溶性溶剂均可有效灭活病毒,氯己定不能有 效灭活病毒。
According to the new coronavirus-infected pneumonia protocol (trial, 5th edition), the virus is sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat, 56 °C for 30 minutes, ether, 75% ethanol (alcohol), chlorine-containing disinfectants, Peracetic acid and chloroform, and other fat-soluble solvents can effectively inactivate the virus, chlorhexidine can not have, sufficient inactivation.
由于目前其他消毒方法对新型冠状病毒的灭活依 据不足,不推荐其他消毒方法用于新型冠状病毒的消 毒。
Other disinfection methods are not recommended for the disinfection of 2019-ncov due to the lack of the current inactivation of 2019-ncov.
What are the feasible disinfection methods at home?
皮肤消毒 可选用消毒酒精擦拭或浸泡消毒。
The skin disinfects, may choose the disinfection alcohol to wipe or the immersion disinfection.
居家环境消毒 可用消毒酒精或含氯消毒剂擦拭 物体表面。
The home environment disinfects, may use the disinfection alcohol or contain the chlorine disinfectant to wipe, the object surface.
Pay attention to the active ingredients of disinfectants and the safe use of disinfectants Method:
1 酒精是易燃物品。应远离火源及易燃物,并且 不可喷洒或大面积消毒,否则空气中乙醇浓度升高可 能引起火灾。
1 alcohol is a flammable substance. It should be away from the source of fire and flammable and can not spray or high area disinfection. Otherwise, the concentration of ethanol in the air can rise can cause a fire.
2 使用含氯消毒剂时需注意配置方法、稀释比例 等,尤其应 避免 与其他消毒剂混用,可能产生大量有 毒气体,具体用法依照商品说明书。耐 热 物品 消毒 可采 用 煮 沸 15 分钟的 方法 进 行 消毒
2 when using chlorine-containing disinfectants, attention should be paid to the configuration, dilution ratio, etc. , especially should avoid, mixed with other disinfectants, may produce a large number of toxic gases, specific use by the trade description.Heat-resistant items can be sterilized by boiling for 15 minutes.
Wash your hands
When do you wash your hands?
从 公 共 场 所 返 回 后、 接 触 公 共 物 品 后、 咳 嗽 或 打喷嚏用手 捂之后、脱口罩后、饭前便 后、接触 脏物 后等。
After returning from public places, after touching public goods, after coughing or sneezing with hands, after covering, after taking off the mask, before and after meals, after moving, dirty things, etc.
Wash your hands with what?
洗手液或肥皂加流水,或者使用含酒精成分的免 洗洗手液。
Add running water to hand sanitizer or soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
How To wash your hands?
1 在流水下,淋湿双手。
1. Get your hands wet under running water.
2 取 适 量 洗手液 或肥 皂,均匀涂抹至 整 个手掌、 手背、手指和指缝。
Apply appropriate amount of hand sanitizer or soap to the entire Palm, back of the hand, fingers, and fingers.
3 认真搓双手至少 15 秒,具体操作如下 :
Rub Your Hands Together for at least 15 seconds:
● 掌心相对,手指并拢,相互揉搓。
Palms facing each other, fingers together, rub each other.
● 手心对手背沿指缝相互揉搓,交换进行。
The Palm and the back of the hand are rubbed and interchanged along with the fingers.
● 掌心相对,双手交叉指缝相互揉搓。
Palms facing each other, interlace your fingers.
● 弯曲手指使指关节在另一手掌心旋转揉搓,交 换进行。
: Bend the fingers so that the knuckles rotate on the Palm of the other hand, alternating.
● 右手握住左手大拇指旋转揉搓,交换进行。
Hold the thumb of the left hand on the right side and rotate it.
● 将 5 个手 指尖 并 拢 放在 另一手掌心旋 转揉 搓, 交换进行。
Put Five hands together with fingertips and rotate the Palm of the other side.
4 在流水下彻底冲净双手。
Wash your hands thoroughly under running water.
5 用干净毛巾或纸巾擦干双手。
5. Dry Your hands with a clean towel or paper towel.
Cough Etiquette
咳嗽、打喷嚏时要用胳膊肘遮挡或者用纸巾遮掩, 千万不要用手捂口鼻。
咳嗽、打喷嚏 这个 动作,会释放 大 量 病毒。病毒 污染手之后,如果不能及时洗手,手 接触的地方也会 被病毒污染,如门把手、电梯按钮、桌椅等物体表面。此时,如有人 接触了这些被污染的部位,在没有及时 洗手的情况下用手 接触口、眼、鼻,病毒便 通 过污染 的手传播。
Cover your nose and mouth with your elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Coughing, sneezing, that, that, that, that releases a lot of viruses. If you don’t wash your hands in time, your hands will be contaminated by viruses, such as door handles, elevator buttons, tables, and chairs, etc. At this point, if someone comes into contact with these contaminated areas, and uses their hands, without washing them in time, to touch the mouth, the eyes, the nose, the virus is transmitted through the contaminated hands.
而用胳膊肘遮 挡,病毒喷在衣服 上,不会 污染 其他物体表面。因此,特别强调,要注意咳嗽礼仪。同时, 不洗手 不能 接 触自己的身 体,尤 其 是口、眼、鼻等 黏 膜部位。
And with the elbow cover, the virus sprayed on the clothes, will not, pollution of the surface of his object. Therefore, particular emphasis should be paid to cough etiquette. At the same time, do not wash hands, can not touch their own body, especially the mouth, eyes, nose, and other mucosal parts.
粪口 传播
FECAL–Oral Route
Is 2019-ncov fecal-oral transmission?
目前仅在新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者粪便中检 测到病毒核酸呈阳性,但是粪便病毒核酸阳性≠粪口 传播,公众不宜 过 度 解读,更不用恐 慌。目前气溶胶 和消化道等传播途径尚待明确。谨慎的做法如下 :
At present, only in the feces of patients infected with 2019-ncov pneumonia, tested positive for the virus nucleic acid. Still, stool virus nucleic acid positive ≠ fecal mouth, transmission, the public should not be over-interpretation, not to panic. At present, the transmission routes of Aerosol and alimentary canal are still unclear. The prudent course of action is as follows:
1. 饭前便后规范洗手。
Wash your hands properly before and after meals.
2. 如厕后冲水前,记得盖上马桶盖。
Remember to cover the toilet before flushing.
Do I need to wear a mask when I take the elevator?
Is it risky to push a button?
厢式电梯中空气的流通性差,建议乘坐时佩戴口 罩。电梯楼层按钮上可能残留飞沫和病毒,有接触感 染的可能 ;按楼层按钮时,最 好不直 接使用手 指,如 果用手指,在触碰按钮后避免接触身体其他部位,出 电梯后勤洗手。
Van Elevator in poor air circulation, it is recommended to wear a mask when riding. Lift floor button may be residual droplets and viruses, contact with the possibility of infection; press the floor button, it is best not straight, direct use of fingers, if using fingers, after touching the button to avoid contact with other parts of the body, out of the elevator logistics wash hands.
应 减 少 乘坐电 梯 的 频 率, 上低 楼 层尽量走楼 梯。但 是 在非流行地区,传播风险低,无须 过度紧张,佩 戴口罩、及时洗手即可。
Should reduce the frequency of taking the elevator, take the stairs as far as possible on the lower floors. But in non-endemic areas, the risk of transmission is small, no need, excessive tension, wear a mask, appropriate hand-washing can be.
Air Conditioning
Is the air conditioner on or off?
中央 空 调 有传 播 疾 病 的 可能。因此 在 疫 情 期 间, 应停止 或 减少 使用中央空调,必 须开启空调时,应注 意以下事项 :
The air conditioning has the potential to spread disease. Therefore, during the epidemic period, should stop or reduce the use of air conditioning, must turn on air conditioning, should note the following matters:
1 要同时开排气扇。
Turn on the exhaust fan at the same time.
2 需清洗、消毒空调。即使是分体式空调,也要 定期清洗。
Air conditioning to be cleaned and disinfected. Even split air conditioners need to be cleaned regularly.
3 定时开启门窗,保持室内空气流通。
Open windows and doors regularly to maintain proper indoor ventilation.
Do Pets Spread 2019-ncov?
目前没有证据显示猫、狗等宠物会感染新型冠状 病毒。但与宠物接触 后,用肥 皂水洗手可以显著减少 其他常见细菌在宠物和人类之间的传播,如大肠杆菌 和沙门菌。宠物种类繁多,但目前新型冠状病毒的来源、 中间宿主还不明确,不建议将不明来源的动物,特别 是野生动物作为宠物。
At present, there is no evidence that cats, dogs, and other pets will be infected with the new coronavirus. But after contact with pets, hand washing with soap and water can significantly reduce the spread of other common bacteria between pets and humans, such as E. Coli and Salmonella. There are many types of pets, but the origin and intermediate host of 2019-ncov are not yet clear, and it is not recommended that animals of unknown origin, especially wild animals, be kept as pets.
How does the pet go home disinfects?
不用特殊消毒,做好日常清洁以及定期进行宠物 相关检疫即可。
No exceptional disinfection, good daily cleaning, and regular pet, the relevant quarantine can be.
Can outdoor pets play together?
Should pets with a suspected case history be quarantined?
During the outbreak, isolation recommended.
密切 接触者
Close, contactee
Who are the close contacts?
密切接触者指与疑似病例、确诊病例有以下接触 情形之一,但未采取有效防护者 :
Close contacts are those who are in contact with a suspected or confirmed case of one of the following, but who do not have sufficient protection:
1 共同居住、学习、工作或其他有密切接触的人 员,如果近距离工作或共用同一间房或在同一幢房屋 中生活。
the person who live together, study, work, or otherwise have close contact if they work closely together or share a room or live in the same house.
2 诊疗、护理、探视患者的医护人员、家属或 其 他有类似 近距离接触的人员,在密闭环境中探视患者 或停留的人员,以及同病室的其他患者及其陪护人员。
Health Care Workers, family members, or other persons who have similar close contact with the patient, persons who visit the patient or stay in a closed environment, and other patients in the same room and their accompanying persons.
3 乘坐同一种交通工具并有近距离接触的人员, 包括在交通工具上照料护理的人员,同行人员(家人、 同事、朋友等),经调查评估后发现可能近距离接触疑 似病例和确诊病例的其他乘客和乘务人员。
persons traveling on the same means of transport and having close contact, including persons caring for or attending to their health on board the means of transport, and persons traveling with them (family members, colleagues, friends, etc.) who, after investigation and assessment, are found to be likely to have close contact; Other passengers and crew with similar cases and confirmed cases.
4 现场调查人员调查后经评估认为符合其他密切 接触者定义的人员。
Persons assessed by the field investigators as meeting other close, contact definitions.
How do you know if you are close contact?
在 判 定密 切 接 触 者、 分析其 感 染 发 病 的风险 时, 要 综合所接 触 病人的临床 表 现、与 病人的接 触 方 式、 接 触 时 所 采 取 的 防 护 措 施, 以 及 暴 露 于病人 污 染 的 环境和物体的程 度等因素,进行综合判断。
因此, 密 切接 触 者 的判定 应 交 给 专业 人 员 进 行, 对大众而言,如实上报并 提供 相关信息即可。除了患 者 亲友、同事以外,最常见的成为密切接触者的可能 为乘坐同一班次交通工具的人员。因此要留意自己的 航 班号、高铁车次信息,注 意社会公 示的患者同乘交 通工具信息,如果是同乘者,需上报并居家隔离。
In determining close contacts and analyzing their risk of infection, it is necessary to take into account the clinical manifestations of the patients in contact with them, the mode of contact with them and the protective measures taken during contact, and Exposure to the patient’s environment and objects, the extent of such factors, such as comprehensive judgment.
Therefore, the determination of close contacts should be handed over to professionals, for the general public, truthfully reported and provided, relevant information. In addition to relatives, friends, and colleagues, the most common potential for close contact is for people traveling on the same train. Therefore, we should pay attention to their flight number, high-speed train information, pay attention to the public, the patients show the same ride, means of information, if it is the same ride, need to report, and home isolation.
Different scenarios for 2019-ncov
Stay at home
How to prevent and control 2019-ncov at home?
● 规律休息,适量运动,保障睡眠。
Rest regularly, exercise regularly, and ensure sleep.
● 保持良好的个人卫生习惯 :勤洗手,不用脏手触 摸眼 睛、鼻 或口 ;咳 嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾掩住口鼻。
Observe good personal hygiene: Wash Hands Frequently (, do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands; cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
● 家庭成员不共用毛巾,保持家居清洁。
Do not share towels among family members and keep the home clean.
● 居室多通风、换气并保持整洁卫生。
The rooms should be well ventilated, ventilated, and kept clean and sanitary
● 冲厕所马桶时应盖上马桶盖。
Flush the toilet with the toilet cover closed.
● 家庭备置体温计、一次性医 用口罩、医 用外科 口罩或 N95/KN95 口罩、家用消毒用品等。
Provision of thermometers, disposable medical, surgical masks, masks or N95 / KN95 masks, household disinfection supplies, etc.
● 尽量减少外出活动。
Minimize outdoor activities.
● 尽可能避免与有呼吸道疾病症状(如发热、咳嗽或打喷嚏等)的人员密切触。
Avoid contact with respiratory disease symptoms such as fever, cough
(cough or sneeze, etc.).
● 尽量避免各类聚会,避免到人多拥挤或空间密 闭的场所。
Avoid all kinds of gatherings, avoid crowded or crowded, closed places.
● 避免接触野生动物和家禽家畜。
Avoid contact with wild animals and livestock.
● 密切关注发热、咳嗽等症状.
Pay close attention to fever, cough, and other symptoms.
How to do disinfection work at home?
Take Cold Granules, Isatis root or use vinegar fumigation
Can you prevent 2019-ncov?
不 能!感 冒 冲 剂、 板 蓝 根 对 新 型 冠 状 病 毒 无 效, 且醋熏不是对新型冠状病毒有效的消除方法。
No! Cold Granules and Radix Isatidis are not effective against 2019-ncov, and vinegar fumigation is not an effective way to eliminate 2019-ncov.
What does the note of dietary respect have?
● 不要食用已经患病的动物及其制品。
Do not consume sick animals and animal products.
● 要从 正 规渠 道 购买冰鲜禽肉,食用蛋、奶、禽 肉时要充分煮熟。
To buy chilled poultry from formal channels, eggs, milk, and poultry should be thoroughly cooked.
● 处理生食和熟食的切菜板及刀具要分开 ;处理 生食和熟食之间要洗手。
Separate cutting boards and knives for handling raw and cooked food; wash hands between handling raw and cooked food.
● 即使在 发生疫情的地区,如果肉食在食品制备 过程中经过彻底烹饪和妥善处理,也可安全食用。
Even in areas where outbreaks occur, meat is safe to eat if it prepared in a food preparation process that is thoroughly cooked and properly handled.
● 注意饮食规律,营养均衡。
Pay attention to the law of diet, balanced nutrition.
Do you have to disinfect things you buy at the supermarket?
眼、口、鼻,可能造 成间接 接 触传播。因为新型 冠 状 病毒在体外存活的时间有限,同时在非流行地区,超 市里的物品被患者口沫污染的概率很低,无需过度紧 张。
No, just wash your hands. The hands touch the 2019-ncov, and then they touch itEyes, mouth, and nose may cause indirect contact transmission. Because 2019-ncov has a limited survival time outside the body, and in nonendemic areas, supermarket items are less likely to be contaminated by patients’saliva, so there’s no need to stress.
Is takeout safe? Do you need to be sterilized?
外卖 总体是 安 全 的, 但 是 需 要 选 择 正 规 的店 家, 这样才能保证食用的肉食、生 鲜是 经 过检疫的,并且 制作加工过程是合规的。
如果担心外卖方式和快递员带来的接触和飞沫传 播 风 险, 可以让 外卖 人 员将食 物 放 在门口自行 取 用, 打开包装后,先洗手再食用。
Takeout, generally safe, but need to choose a regular shop, to ensure that the food meat, fresh meat is quarantined, and, the production process complies.If you’re worried about delivery methods and the risk of Exposure and droplets spreading, ask the delivery person to leave the food at the door, open the package, and wash your hands before eating.
A hot bath or sweat evaporation can help kill A 2019-ncov?
新 型 冠 状 病 毒 在 56 ℃ 环 境 中 30 分 钟 会 死 亡。但是一般洗澡或汗蒸达不到这个温度和持续时间,而 且 水 温 过 高、 洗 澡 时 间 过长可能 会 使 人体感 到 不适, 出现头晕眼花、心跳加快等现象,严重的还会出现虚 脱、晕倒。不过勤洗澡可以减少感染的风险。
2019-ncov can die at 56 °C for 30 minutes. However, bathing or sweating can not reach this temperature and its duration. If the water temperature is too high and the bath time is too long, it may cause the human body to feel unwell, resulting in dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and other phenomena, serious still can appear faintness, faint. But showering regularly can reduce the risk of infection.
社区 有患者
Community. Patient
Stairway handrails, community equipment, and other public facilities
Will there be 2019-ncov?
病毒可能附着于这些公共设施表面,因此应避免 触碰公共设 施,避 免用脏手触 摸口鼻、揉眼睛等。一 旦触碰,尽快洗手。小区管理者应该加强公共设施的清洁、消毒工作。
The virus may attach to the surfaces of these facilities, so avoid touching them, touching them with dirty hands, touching the nose and mouth, rubbing the eyes, etc. Wash your hands as soon as you touch them.The district administrator should strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of public facilities.
Is it contagious to diagnose a patient’s waste?
可能性非常小。建议勤洗手,不碰可疑的污染物, 丢垃圾时注意防护,必要时可以戴一次性手套。
It’s highly unlikely. It recommended to wash hands frequently, do not touch suspicious pollutants, pay attention to the protection when throwing garbage, if necessary, can wear disposable gloves.
What are travel precautions?
● 在公共场所应佩 戴口罩,特别是在公共交通工 具上、在人流密集的公共场所。
Masks should be worn in public places, especially on public transport, on vehicles and in crowded public places.
● 条 件允 许的情 况下,可选 择 步行、骑自行车或 自驾出行。
Walk, bike, or drive if you can.
● 避免接触有发热、咳嗽等症状的人,如果遇到, 需保持 1 米以上距离。
Avoid contact with people with fever, cough, and other symptoms, if encountered, to maintain a distance of more than 1 meter.
● 咳嗽、打喷嚏时用纸巾或屈肘 将口鼻完全 遮住.
Use a tissue or bend your elbow when coughing or sneezing and cover your mouth and nose ultimately.
● 减少接触公共场所的公共物品。
Reduce Exposure to public goods in public places.
● 避免用脏手触摸口鼻、揉眼睛等。
Avoid touching the nose and mouth with dirty hands, rubbing the eyes, etc.
● 勤 洗 手, 可以自备含 消毒 酒 精 的 免 洗 洗 手液、 消毒湿巾等产品。
Frequently wash hands, you can bring your alcohol-containing hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and other products.
● 疫情期间应尽量避免参加各类聚会。
Parties should be avoided during outbreaks.
What do I need to be careful about when I go out and go home?
正常脱外衣→ 把外衣 挂在门口(或 通 风 处)→ 摘 口罩→洗手→把睡前洗澡改成进门洗澡。如果做到这 些,感染新型冠状病毒的概率就会很低。
建议 把外衣挂在门口特定的地方,不 与干净的衣 物混放。如未与患者接触,外套表面残留病毒污染物 的可能性小。但外套上会携带大量灰尘,不建议带进 卧室。
Take off your coat, usually → hang your coat at the door (or ventilation),→ take off your mask, → wash your hands → change your bath before going to bed to a bath at the door. If you do that, you’re less likely to get 2019-ncov.
I was suggested that the coat hanging in a specific place at the door, not with clean clothes, mixed with the goods. If not in contact with the patient, the coated surface residual virus contamination, the likelihood is small. But the jacket will carry a lot of dust, not recommended in the bedroom.
How to protect when outdoor fitness?
疫情期间,应尽量 避免去密闭人多空间,包括健身房。户外活动也应 避免去人流密集场所。部分健身活动可调整在家中进行,如健身操、瑜伽等。
During an outbreak, try to avoid sealing people in large spaces, including the health The Gym. Outdoor activities should also be avoided in crowded places. Part of the workout Movement can be adjusted at home, such as aerobics, Yoga, and so on.
How to protect a private car when many people ride it?
车上人员均需佩戴口罩,减少交谈,注意咳嗽或 打喷嚏礼仪,并尽可能开窗通风。
Everyone on the bus should wear a mask, talk less, pay attention to coughing or sneezing etiquette, and open windows as much as possible for ventilation.
What do you need to pay attention to when you ride the high-speed railway or take a plane?
进出站时一定要配合工作人员体温测量 ;减少 进食,尽量避免脱口罩;避免双手频繁接触口、鼻、眼睛;打喷嚏或咳嗽时,用纸巾或手肘衣服 遮住口鼻 ;途中 尽量与他人保持安全间距,密切留意周围旅客的健康 状况;如果发现异常,在条件允许的情况下尽量换座位,并主动上报工作人员 ;尽可能远离人群走动频 繁的过 道,减少在车厢或 机舱内来回走动 ;避 免使用公共饮 水机,尽量自备或购买瓶装水。留意自己的航 班号、高铁车次信息,注 意社会公 示的患者同乘交 通 工具信息,如果是同乘者,需上报 并居家隔离。
In and out of the station must cooperate with the staff temperature measurement; reduce into when sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or a piece of clothing worn on your elbows. Keep a safe distance between yourself and other passengers and pay close attention to the health of passengers. Condition; if an exception is found, try to change seats if conditions permit, and report to the staff;
stay as far away from crowded, busy aisles as possible, and avoid moving around in carriages or aircraft compartments; Avoid Using Public Drinking Fountains and bring or buy bottled water as much as possible.
Pay attention to your flight, flight number, high-speed train information, pay attention to the public, the patient with the transport information, if it is with the passenger, to report, and home isolation.
Return to duty
Personnel returning to work in non-disease-endemic areas,
can you just get to work? What do I need to be aware of?
● 如果没有接触 过 患者,也没有相关症 状,可以 按照国家与企业规定,按时返岗。
If you have not been in contact with the patient and do not have symptoms, you can return to work on time following state and enterprise regulations.
● 如果接触过患者或出现相关症状,请上报并暂 时居家隔离,必要时医院就诊。据实际情况及专业指 导决定是否上岗。
If you have been in contact with a patient or have symptoms, please report them and keep them under house quarantine for the time being and seek medical treatment if necessary. According to the actual situation and professional guidance, the director decides whether to go on duty.
2 周内有疾病流行地区(如武汉等)居住或旅行史人员如何返岗?
Endemic area (e.g., Wuhan) within 2 weeks
How can a resident or travel history person return to work?
● 尽快到所在社区或村委会进行登记,减少外出 活动,尤其是避免到人员密集的公共场所活动。
To Register as soon as possible with the local community or village committee, and to reduce Travel and activities, especially in crowded public places.
● 从离开疾病流行地区的时间开始,进行自我健 康状况监测 14 天。每天监测体温 2 次,关注有无咳嗽、 咳 痰、胸闷、气 急等呼吸 道 症 状,条 件允 许时,尽量 单独居住或居住在通风良好的单人房间,并减少与家 人密切接触。
self-health and health monitoring for 14 days from the time of departure from the endemic area. Monitor Body temperature 2 times a day, pay attention to respiratory symptoms such as cough, sputum, chest tightness, breathlessness, if possible, live alone or in a well-ventilated single room, and reduce close contact with the family.
● 若出现可疑症状(包括发热、咳嗽、咽痛、胸闷、 呼吸困难、轻度纳差、乏力、精神稍差、恶心呕吐、腹泻、 头痛、心慌、结膜炎、轻度四肢或腰背部肌肉酸痛等), 应根据病情及时就诊。
If suspicious symptoms (including fever, cough, sore throat, chest tightness, dyspnea, mild shortness of breath, weakness, slightly less energetic, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, palpitation, conjunctivitis, mild muscle pain in the limbs or lower back, etc.) are present, should be based on the condition of timely medical treatment.
What should you do when passing a file?
Wear a mask when handing over documents—Wash hands after touching.
Do you need to disinfect mobile phones, landlines, and computer keyboards?
办公室 的 办公 设 备均应 定 期 消毒。手 机、 座 机、 电 脑 键 盘等 可用消毒 酒 精棉 球 擦 拭 消毒。
Office equipment should be regularly disinfected—mobile phones, desk phones, computer keyboards, etc. , can be used to wipe the disinfection alcohol cotton ball disinfection .
How can you protect an office with more than one person?
● 确保工作环境清洁卫生,保持室内空气流通。
Ensure a clean and hygienic working environment and maintain good indoor ventilation.
● 多人办公室 属于 公共空间,如果不确定是否存 在新型冠状病毒感染的风险,建议佩戴口罩。
Multi-person Office, belonging to public space, if not sure if there is a risk of infection in the 2019-ncov, it is recommended to wear a mask.
● 疫情期间停止或减少使用中央空调,必须开空 调时,要同时开排气扇。要定期清洗空调。
Stop or reduce the use of air conditioning during outbreaks, air must be turned on, and exhaust fans must be switched on at the same time. Clean the air conditioner regularly.
● 每天定时开启门窗,进行通风换气。
Open windows and doors regularly for ventilation every day.
● 定期用消毒液为办公室设备、门把手等进行消
Regularly disinfect the office equipment and door handle with a disinfectant Poison.
● 注意手卫生。各类场所应配备洗手龙头、洗手液、抹手纸或干手机,养成勤洗手的好习惯。
Hand Hygiene. All kinds of places should be equipped with hand-washing Faucet, hand-washing liquid, wipe toilet paper or hand dryers and get into the habit of washing your hands frequently.
● 如 果 有 人出 现 发 热、 乏 力、 干 咳 及 胸 闷 等 症 状,其应暂时不要上班,并 根据情况及时就医。
If someone has symptoms of fever, weakness, dry cough, and chest tightness, they should not go to work for the time being and seek medical attention as appropriate.
Do I need to wear a mask to attend the meeting?
● 建议始终佩戴口罩。
It is recommended to wear a mask at all times.
● 谈话保持适度距离。
Keep the conversation at a reasonable distance.
● 多开窗通风。
Open more windows for ventilation.
● 减少集中开会次数。
Reduction in the number of focused meetings.
● 控制会议时间。
Control Meeting time.
Is it okay to have air conditioning in the office?
Do I need to disinfect it if I open it?
● 应开启门窗,保持室内空气流通。
Open doors and windows to maintain proper indoor ventilation.
● 停止或减少使用中央空调,必须开空调时,要 同时开排气扇。
To Stop or reduce the use of air conditioning, the exhaust fan must be switched on at the same time as the air conditioner.
● 应定期清洗消毒空调。
Clean and disinfect air conditioners regularly.
Official Travel and reception of visitors
What do I need to be aware of?
● 所有人员均应佩戴口罩。
All personnel should wear face masks.
● 对来访者进行 体温检测,并明确其有无武汉等 其他疫区驻留史以 及有无 与 确诊或 疑 似 病例 接 触 史, 有无发热、咳嗽、呼吸不畅等症状。
To check the body temperature of the visitors, and make sure whether they have Wuhan or not, the history of staying in other epidemic areas, and the history of contact with the confirmed or suspected cases, and the symptoms of fever, cough, and dyspnea.
● 对接待车辆等用消毒酒精、含氯消毒剂或含过 氧乙酸的消毒剂等消毒。
Disinfection of reception vehicles with alcohol, chlorine-containing disinfectants, or disinfectants containing peracetic acid.
公共 场所
Public Place
Go Shopping Place (supermarket, vegetable market) how to need to guard against?
勿食野味!避免接触生肉,避免接触市场里的流浪动物、垃圾、废水等 ;一旦接触,尽快洗手。
DO NOT EAT GAME! Avoid contact with raw meat, stray animals in the market, garbage waste Water, Waste Water, etc.; wash your hands as soon as possible.
What precautions should be taken to get to the hotel?
避免 聚餐,尽量单人单桌吃饭。如果不能单人单 桌吃饭,应采用分餐制或使用公筷。
Avoid, eat together; try to eat at a single table. If you can not eat alone, a table should use separate meals or the use of public chopsticks.
See a doctor
If symptoms appear, when do you need medical attention?
首先,如果属于需要居家隔离的情况,一旦出现疑 似 症 状,请立即
上 报 并就医。如果不需要居家隔离,建议按照以下流 程 先自我评估。
First, if you are in a situation that requires home isolation, if you experience symptoms, please do so immediately report it and get medical attention. If you do not need isolation at home, the proposal follows the following process first self Assessment.
1 体温不超 过 38 ℃,并且没有明显的气短、憋 喘等症状。
Body temperature does not exceed 38 °C, and there is no apparent shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.
2 年龄在 60 岁以下、5 岁以上。
years of age under 60,5 years of age or older.
3 不属于孕妇、慢性病患者(如肺部疾病、心血 管疾病、慢性肾脏病、免疫性疾病等)或肥胖者。
Not Pregnant, chronically ill (e.g., lung disease, cardiovascular disease, vascular disease, chronic kidney disease, immune disorders, etc.) or obese.
If this is the case, rest at home and observe. While at home, drink plenty of water and take some symptom-reducing cold medicine.
同时,采 取 戴口罩、勤洗手、房间勤通 风等 措施,做好个人和家人的防护。如果有以下情况,建议及时就诊。
At the same time, to wear a mask, wash hands frequently, room work, wind, and other measures, excellent personal and family protection. Seek medical attention if.
1 在家观察休息 1 ~ 2 天后,病情无好转。
after one to two days’rest at home, the patient’s condition did not improve.
2 近 期近 距 离接 触 过有发热、咳嗽 症 状的患者, 或 去 过 人 群 密 集 的 场 所,如 医 院、超 市、农 贸 市 场, 或有野生动物接触史。
New close contact with fever, cough symptoms, or visited crowded places such as hospitals, supermarkets, farmers’ markets, or have a history of contact with wild animals.
3 老年人、孕妇、肥胖者,以及有慢性肺部疾病、 心血管疾病、肝肾等脏器基 础疾病和免疫功能低下的 人员。
The elderly, pregnant women, the obese, as well as have chronic lung disease, cardiovascular disease, liver, and Kidney Organ Foundation, underlying diseases and immune dysfunction, personnel.
What do I need to know about seeing a doctor?
前往 / 返回医院途中
En route to/from hospital
● 佩 戴口罩,注 意咳嗽礼仪,咳嗽、打喷嚏时不 要用手捂口鼻,要用纸巾或肘部遮挡。
wear a mask and pay attention to cough etiquette. Do not cover your mouth and nose with your hands, tissues, or elbows when coughing or sneezing.
● 尽量避免乘坐地铁、公共汽车等公共交通工具, 避免前往人群密集场所。
Avoid taking the subway, buses and other public transport as far as possible, and avoid going to crowded places.
● 运营人员应对交通工具进行消毒。
Operators should disinfect vehicles.
At the doctor’s office,
● 主动告诉医生自己在相关疾病流行地区的居住 史和旅行史,发病前曾经 接触的疑似 或确诊患者,以 及发病后曾接触的人群,配合医生开展相关调查。
Voluntarily inform the doctor of their residence, history and travel history in the area where the disease is prevalent, previous Exposure, contact with suspected or confirmed patients, and contact with people after the onset of the disease, and cooperate with the doctor in conducting relevant investigations.
● 如怀疑为新型冠状病毒感染,请直接至发热门 诊就诊,减少在医院其他区域活动。
If you suspect a 2019-ncov infection, go directly to the fever clinic, seek medical attention, and limit Travel to other areas of the hospital.
● 如果因其他原因必须就医者,请 勿穿行 于发热 门诊、急诊等区域,避免接触有发热、咳嗽等症状的 患者,如果遇到,尽量保持 1 米以上距离。
If you have to see a doctor for other reasons, please do not travel. Avoid contact with patients who have fever, cough, or other symptoms in areas such as fever, out-patient department, and Emergency Department. Keep a distance of more than 1 meter.
● 就诊结束,不要在外逗留,尽早回家。
After the consultation, do not stay outside and come home as soon as possible.
Can Pregnant woman regular antenatal examination?
做好防护后可以到医院进行正常产检。如果出现 发热、咳嗽、胸闷等 症 状,及时告 知产检医生。
After doing an excellent job of protection can go to the hospital for a regular obstetric examination. If present, fever, cough, chest tightness and other symptoms, timely report, intellectual property Doctor Inspector.
Can Children be vaccinated during an outbreak?
家长可以根据当地疫情情况,致电接种点或疾 控 中心,询问是否可以接种。部分疫苗可以适当延后接种。建议以各地接种点和疾控中心发布的消息为准。
Parents can call the vaccination point or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to ask if they can be vaccinated, depending on the local situation. Some vaccinations can appropriately be delayed—the recommendations based on local vaccination sites and CDC releases.
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